Monday, March 12, 2012

Plant Photography

             For my individual project I am focusing on macro plant photography. In the following photographs I attempted to draw focus to the central plant or area and create a shallow depth of field. Throughout the series I attempted to use water or backlighting to make the pictures interesting.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Text Edit

           The goal of this assignment was to add text to photos to enhance or change them. These use a combination of quotes and individual words to achieve that goal.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Triptych Photography

               The goal of this project was similar to that of the diptych project, in that we were supposed to create continuous flow between multiple photos and incorporate similar themes throughout the set, however in this case the idea was to use three pictures instead of two. I attempted to solve this by having similar visual concepts remain constant throughout all three of the frames.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Diptych Photography

               In this assignment our goal was to create a combination of two photographs that either told a story or flowed together. The main requirements were that the photographs be equal in size and that they be paired side to side or top and bottom.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Minimalism: Final Draft

             In this series I selected eight photographs from my previous drafts that I felt best embodied the minimalist aspects and themes of my project. The majority of the photos focus on simple geometric shapes and have limited color pallets, thus magnifying the minimalist aspects of the pictures. All of the photos were taken in and around Drew over the course of a week and a half with five coming from the first draft and three coming from the second draft.

Minimalism: Second Draft

              This set of photos is a continuation of the minimalist pictures in the previous post. I adhered to many of the techniques used in the previous draft, however I attempted to focus on different areas of the neighborhood around Drew that I had not yet photographed.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Minimalism: First Draft

          For the final project I choose to focus on minimalism. I was able to try and take many of the techniques learned over the course of the semester, put them into practice and apply them to minimalist photography. I tried to focus my pictures on either simple geometric shapes or simple, two dimensional surfaces. Many of the pictures are taken from a very close perspective in order to isolate the subject and reduce the distractions that stem from the surrounding world. These seven pictures are the photos taken that I feel best fulfill my criteria.